Friday, March 23, 2012

Speaking at Home Group Meetings....


I am looking for opportunities to talk to groups about Mali. I am hoping to build my partnerships with people. If you would like to help, please consider having me speak at your home group/small group. So far, I have raised 40% of my monthly expenses for Mali but I am needing to raise 100% of my support before I can leave for Mali in July. Therefore, the more partnerships I develop with financial and prayer partners, the more likely I will be able to raise all of my funds by July 2012.

Please email me at if you would like to set up a time for me to talk at your house/group.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Rebecca Oryniak

Friday, March 16, 2012

Little things that I'm looking help make my "quiet" and "alone" times in Mali a little more comfortable.

Hello everyone!

Thank you for your support! God has been amazing! I have listed a few little things I am looking for to help make my "quiet" and "alone" times in Mali a little more comfortable. Please share with others.

I am looking for dvd's. If you or anyone you know has a bunch of dvd's that you are looking to pass on...please pass them my way! As you can imagine, Mali may get a little lonely in the evening hours (being single and living alone). Therefore, it would be great to have a mixture of dvd's to pop into my laptop and watch on those lonely nights.

I am looking for Music cd's/music/IPOD Listening to the radio won't be the same in Mali as it is here. I listen to several hours of KLove and worship music and I am trying to prepare myself for getting music to bring out there to listen to since the radio won't be readily available all the time. If you or someone you know has an older IPOD that you don't use anymore or that you have upgraded from and you would like to pass it on... please consider passing it on to me. I would greatly appreciate it!

I am looking for a standard Nook It would be really hard to load up a ton of books in my suitcase but now-a-days with the electronic book makes traveling easier. I have been looking at the most standard Nook...Barnes and Nobles sells it between $79-$99. It is the originial one with the black and white ink and no color. I was wondering if anyone upgraded to a newer Nook or Kindle and is not using their older Nook. If that is the case, please consider donating your Nook to me. This will help me to continue with my reading while in Mali.

Please contact me at if you would like to contribute or donate any of the above items.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

God Keeps Putting Things In Place!

Hello everyone!

God keeps lining everything up. I have sold my car and I have had two people volunteer to loan their car to me to use until I leave for Mali. Praise God!

Now, I am focused on my condo. I am trying to get things lined up and get my condo repairs done, lease agreement, all the fine little details. Praise God that I have had a dear friend of mine volunteer to "look after my place" while I am in Mali.

Currently, I am about 97%-98% funded/supported with my one time expenses and I am about 30% funded/supported with my monthly support. Many additional people have stated that they are planning on joining in financial partnership with me but haven't gone online to state the actual amount they are led to pledge. Therefore, my monthly support is probably much higher than 30%. I have been trying to ask my supporters to please go online and pledge earlier than later so I have a more accurate idea of how much support I really have.

I am so thankful to everyone who has joined me in prayer and financial partnership. I have felt truly encouraged and humbled by everyone's support. I am in awe of how great God is!

Every day is a journey and a reminder that God is in control and the support and the things that fall into place for Mali is ALL His doing!

Please keep praying for the support to continue to come in. Please continue to pray that I will have more opportunities to share God's leading me to Mali with other people and groups as well. In addition, please pray for the people in Mali as they are going through struggles due to the drought.

Thank you for your prayers!

Rebecca Oryniak