So, after working closely with Missionary families and kids I have seen many things that are quite different for the life of a Missionary Kid living in Africa when compared to life of a kid living in the USA.
Today, one of my students was very eager to show me her new "play house" to me. Naturally, I flashed back to when I was growing up in the USA, I had a "play house kitchen" and I remember it well. It had a refrigerator that opened where I stored my pretend food (that looked very real but was made out of plastic). The kid kitchen I played in had a pretend stove and sink and cabinets. I spent many hours playing in that "play kitchen" with my sisters. So, I was excited to see my student's "play house" as well.
She told me to follow her to the back of the house and pointed to a creation she made out of a storage bin, cardboard, a metal door and a few other items. She said, "this is my play house". She was very proud of her work. She pointed to the large rectangle and said, "this is my refrigerator" and opened it and started taking her "pretend made food" out of it. She made cookies and cake out of bottle caps, dirt and flower petals. I found it to be very creative!
After some thought, I realized that even though it may look different, she still plays "house" like I did when I was a little girl. And she has fun doing it! It was then that I realized kids will be kids no matter where they live, no matter what culture or race.... kids will always have the creative, play side to them. And even if their environment equips them with less or different supplies, they will find ways to adapt and to have fun with what they have. It really opened my eyes to see the "happiness" in her childhood life as a missionary kid. It also reminded me of how special Missionary Kids are and my reason for why God has sent me here to serve. I am thankful that I have the ability to touch her life this year. Thank you, God, for giving me this opportunity to meet her, step into her world (her world as a Missionary Kid), and teach her school this year!
Check out the pictures: