Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thank you for helping me reach 100%

Thank you for all of your prayers and support! Thank you for joining in partnership with me. I am now 100% supported! Praise God! I could not be going to Africa if it wasn't for each one of you. It is a team effort. You are the arm and I am the hand and together we can reach and help and do God's work in Mali. Thank you for being the arm....thank you for extending me to Mali to reach the children out there.

Together, we are the lights in the darkness. We can help share God's love!

God's word is a lamp unto our feet and light onto our path - Psalm 119:105
Wycliffe's vision is by 2025 to have the bible translated in every language still needing bible translation. That is over 2,000 languages! Together, we are helping support this vision. We are furthering God's Kingdom. We are bringing God's word to people all around the world so they may have God's wisdom and find eternal life with Him. You, my supporters are a part of this. God is so amazing and we must Praise Him for all He has done!

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