Although, I am still getting comfortable riding my bike among mopeds, cars, donkey carts and trucks all on the same road going all sorts of directions. I am guessing it will get easier the more I get out there and ride.
I have also spent some of my time becoming oriented with the land, the people and the work that Wycliffe is doing here. There are several languages which Wycliffe is working on translating and writing the New Testament.
It is amazing that I am helping Bible translation to continue by teaching the missionary children. Praise God that I am helping in this way!
We have had a cat who recently had kittens on the center grounds. So, we have been looking after them. They are adorable!
What a treat it has been to give some affection to these cuties!
Well, I have a lot coming up on my agenda. Things are really going to start picking up from here. This coming week, I will begin teaching third grade for a 2 week special ICO program. It is a program that allows home schooled missionary children to gather together and learn in a classroom setting for two weeks. This will help them to learn what it's like to be in a classroom since many of them are home schooled and don't have the opportunity to learn this way. After this program ends (in 2 weeks), I will begin teaching third grade for the regular school year. I am excited to see how God will use me to touch the lives of missionary children as I teach this year.
In addition, we have our Wycliffe annual conference coming up which will have a "fun night". I am currently working on choreography and teaching for a dance that some missionary kids and I will perform at the event. Also, I am working on organizing a consistent and repeated dance class for the missionary children for one evening each week (this is still being worked out).
I also hope to help out at a local orphanage or similiar facility to work with the local children. This will come in time. I need to sort out the other things before jumping into this...but I am looking forward to helping in this area as well.
There is soooooo much to do! Yet, I am taking it day by day, inch by inch.
To sum it up, my days lately have been filled with the following:
donkeys, peanuts, french language which I don't understand (except a few words), goats, chickens, sheep, more donkeys, donkey carts, markets, rain, dirt roads, puddles in the middle of dirt roads, mosquitos, bug spray, more mosquitos, trying to get familiar with where I am and how to get around, visiting different markets, visiting different stores, scratching mosquito bites, killing mosquitos, shooing flies, meeting new people, trying to remember the names of all the new people I have recently met, and the list goes on and on. It has been a learning experience for me.
Praises - God has safely brought us to Ouaga even though we had many car problems. God protected and returned all of my luggage safely. My computer issue has been figured out and temporarily fixed. Praise Jesus for all He has done during the past 2 weeks!
Thank you for all of your support and prayers! The next few weeks will be very busy as I start teaching. I will be sending out my September Newsletter within the next two weeks so keep your eyes open for that.
In the meantime, take care and know that I am truly thankful for your support. I am praying for you. May God bless you!
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